After logging in and navigating to your Sermons page, click the Manager Icon to begin editing:
If your sermon player is setup in Series mode, you may do the following:
- Use the [ + New Series ] button to add new series
- Click once on the image to edit the series
- Click and drag the image to reorder the series sequence
- Click [ Manage Sermons ] to continue to the Sermon Manager page
(Example of Series based Sermon editor)
Once you are on the Sermon Management page, click [ + New Sermon ] to add a message. Now you may add or edit the following items:
- Date - sermons will be sorted by date
- Title, Author & Description
- Video Imbed Code - if your sermon has a related video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo
- You may upload a related Attachment (.pdf, .doc, etc.)
- Your sermon MP3 file. Large files may take a while to upload. If you have difficulty uploading a particularly large file, you contact us.